Chapter 12. Secret Plans

One day, when Sister and I were having a lesson with Sister Agnes Louise, Mummy excused herself as she had to go to the restroom.

Seizing the opportunity, I asked, “Sister Agnes Louise. Mummy’s birthday is coming soon. Do you know no one ever celebrated her birthday? Everyone should have at least a small birthday party, I think? I remember two birthdays, and they were nice.”

Sister thought for a moment and replied, “Well, Miguel, nuns do not celebrate birthdays and do not get presents. Then again, Sister Anna Marie is not yet a nun and had a sad childhood. I think you and I can go to old San Juan and have a surprise birthday party for Sister. It is our secret, OK?”

I hugged Sister Agnes Louise, saying, “You are the best granny in the universe!”

So, Sister Agnes Louise and I quickly planned a date to have a party at a small restaurant in old San Juan. It turns out that Sister Agnes Louise had many friends in the old city.

“Sister Agnes Louise, what can we give her as a birthday present so the other nuns won’t be suspicious,” I asked?

“I have an ancient Bible which we can give to her. You can draw a birthday card and put it in the book for her. She will like this very much. What do you think?”

“You are so clever, Grandmother. Neither of us has ever visited the library. But I want to take her to the public library in the morning on her birthday. Can we have her party near lunchtime? She would like this very much.”

“OK. I know a nice little restaurant that makes birthday cakes near the library. I will be at the restaurant, so when you two finish your study period, you can bring Sister to me, and we will surprise her.”

“OK, Sister Agnes Louise, let’s shake on it,” as I held out my right hand and shook Sister’s right hand.

And so, our secret plan began. The time passed until a few days before Mummy’s birthday when it was time for our project.

After working with Sister Anna Marie for a few months, I competently read the Bible and other sacred texts.

 So, one afternoon, I asked Sister Anna Marie, “Mummy, is there a big library in San Juan? I want to look through some reference books?”

Sister Anna Marie seemed slightly surprised at my simple request, for she had learned that my requests were never as innocent as they sounded.

She asked, “Honey, why do you want to go to the public library? Is there a book you want me to check out for you?”

“No, I just want to look through some books to be more educated,” I responded innocently.

“Miguel, I am curious as to exactly what areas of knowledge interest you?”

“It is a secret, Mummy. It is a special present for your birthday, which will be pretty soon, so I want to give you the best birthday present ever.”

“But, honey, libraries do not have birthday presents.”

“Yes, they have the best birthday presents, Mummy. You shall see, I am correct when we go to the library. So, will you take me, or do I have to go all myself and get stolen from you?”

“I would not want any lady to steal you from me, my love. I will ask Sister Theresa if we can visit the library the next time we visit San Juan. Are you happy now?”

“Yes, Mummy, I am delighted, and I know you will cry for joy when you finally figure it out. For I love you more than anyone else, Mummy. I already asked Sister Theresa, and she said we could go on Saturday morning, your birthday. I do not think Sister Theresa even knows this?”

Sister Anna Marie gave me a hug because she liked my little surprises.

She silently prayed, “Thank you, Holy Mother, for placing Miguel under my care. I pray that my love for him is as pure as you desire.”

Finally, the day came for us to go to the Public Library. After we exited the bus, Sister Anna Marie told me about the library’s history. Then we walked through the front doors.

She asked me, “Sweetie, do you need to go to the bathroom? It would be wise to potty first so I can pay full attention to your present.”

“Good idea, Mummy. Let’s go to the potty.”

Sister Anna Marie always took me to the ladies’ room, as she was always worried about me. I did not really mind. She would unbutton my shorts, pull down my underwear, and stand me in front of the potty. She would hold my penis so the urine went into the pot and not onto the floor. When I finished peeing, she pulled up my underwear and shorts. Then she would go potty. It was no big deal.

Of course, we washed our hands and dried them with towels.

Sister Anna Marie took my hand, and we walked into the main reference area of the library.

“Mummy, we must go to the medical reference books with pictures and talk about the human body. OK? You need to ask for directions.”

We approached a pretty reference librarian, and Anna Marie asked, “Good day, Senorita. My son and I need to look at some books in the medical reference section of the library.”

The young lady looked up, saying, “Hello, Sister. I wish you a good day. You have a son?”

Realising the slip of her tongue, Sister Anna Marie quickly responded, “It is not my natural son, for I will be a full nun one day. I have cared for him since he was tiny, so I feel like his mother.”

The librarian smiled, “I am sure you are a great mom,” turning to me, she said, “Hi, my name is Elena. What is your name?”

I smiled and responded, “My name is Miguel. Sister Anna Marie is my real Mummy in heaven. I love her like a Mummy.”

“Then, you are a proper gentleman, young Sir. The medical section is in a small reading room at the end of the hall,” pointing with her finger.

We thanked the young lady and turned to walk to the reference room.

The young librarian turned to an older librarian saying, “Look at the little boy and the Novitiate walking away from the desk. They are so cute together. Maybe the little boy was correct when he said the Novitiate was his genuine mother in heaven. A pleasant idea, anyway.”

The elder librarian replied, “The Lord works in mysterious ways, Elena. God bless them both.”

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