How Will You Know When You Are Enlightened?

Hello, Friends,

I have been following some posts in the RC Park group as to belief systems.  So to save you from an unnecessary waste of your precious time to formulate a permanent ego-personality (soul personality), I offer some concepts to consider.

I think the above question is important to all new seekers.  I do not claim absoluteness to what I have actually been with, but it is my best model at the moment.

1. The Godhead at the end of our prior Universe implanted a God-Seed into this Universe.  This God-Seed provides the impetus for explaining why humanity needs to interact with a Higher Being.  The God-Seed compels mankind to create a conjoint mental-emotional Sacred Image(s) so to be able to communicate and experience the God-Seed in the language of a particular culture, place, and time.

This is the meaning of the phrase ‘created in our own image’ of Genesis.  Which means simply that mankind has the ability to create as did the Elohim–via mind.  God created man so man could creatively birth the various Sacred Images of the Most Holy.

The dream world, or virtual reality, which never leaves us, except perhaps in deep sleep, is generated by self-conscious creatures.  It is the our ‘ego personalities’ dwell within.  This is why the physical world exists.  The creature is necessary to create our World Images, our Oneirion World, Jung’s Collective, the Astral, and so on.

2.  Though, the nature of our mind is to give credence solely to the psycho-social model taught to us by our elders, every model is imperfect and at most partially accurate.

3.  The stories contained within sacred literature are not verbatim histories.  Rather, they are cultural narratives explaining the ‘why and how of human life.’  The most fitting term for the myriad of written theologies, the Iliad and Odyssey,  Hesiod tales, the Pentateuch, the Bhagavad Gita, the Rig-Veda, Gilgamesh, and even the New Testament is Sacred Parable.

Underlying most Sacred Parables is a chain of historical events which serve as the basis of the intended parable.  But, each story teller adds much fictional materials to said history so to make the complete story compatible with his or her personal understanding.  A very good example is the inconsistency seen the the three Synoptic and John’s Gospel (check it out if you doubt).

Sacred Parables are meant to teach and impart to the listener and reader, a more sublime message concerning the relationship between a personal deity and oneself.  I do note that some persons seem to be neurologically constructed so to prefer a personal relationship without providing any attributes to their Sacred Image, other than existing.  The Cosmic Mind is a pertinent example.

4.  The reason the world cannot be a peace is because each group feels threatened by outside Sacred Parables, as they do not understand that their Parable is not the actuality.

5.  As an Enlightened Being continues to exist within the physical and Oneirion, he or she is bound still by the constraints of the existing worlds, physical and psychological.  To the best of my personal knowledge, our Universe is a closed system except for the briefest moment when the old one deflates and the new one inflates.

An Enlightened Being understands the above.  Moreover, he or she has seen the truth and the folly of all Sacred Parables, as such are but approximations of mankind.  However, by experiencing each and every Sacred Parable the sacred individual rises to a understanding where Parables are no longer necessary. They all are paths onto the full understanding of each moment of universal time.

6.  So in conclusion, my dears, if you are want to continue to be bound to one Sacred Parable, find the best one, for a mystic never settles for least over more.  If you want to be free, then be free by letting go of unnecessary limitations, delusions, and suffering.

Everyone seems to have trouble with the last suggestion as they think they personally own their Parable. After all, Sacred Parable should never be taken or used as sticks and stones to break another’s bones.

Ciao, Michael

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