The New Questions Series–Cosmic Mind

Hello, Friends.  Have a new question for you to ponder upon.

Background:  For the purpose of this question, we will presume that the Universe possesses living and mental energies which come in a form similar to physical quanta, (quarks, leptons, and neutrinos).  Such energies comprising the aphysical realms of mental experience (Astral).

The Astral world is equivalent to Carl Jung’s collective unconsciousness, or objective psyche.  I prefer the latter term when called, the ‘global objective psyche,’ the Universal Mind, or Cosmic Mind.  I use Objective as this Psyche is not perceived as a subjective self as our psyches are personally experience.

Moreover, the Astral world contains many different, living, beings, as noted by all explorers.

So here is the question.

Question:  Was the Global Objective Psyche present at the beginning of the physical universe and are the imago, or astral, forms, we call angels, demons, djinn, demiurgus, and so on, as pre-existent astral beings before the appearance of self-reflexive creatures such as man?  Or was the Global Mind essentially chaotic and unformed and absent of any conscious astral denizens at the being and mankind and other conscious creatures in the universe created the astral beings by organizing the energies of the Global Mind and giving them life?  Did man create the objectified God or did God the Being create man?

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